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Lemurian Starseed Crystal Activation
Over thirty thousand years ago a humanoid species called the Lemurians lived on planet Earth. They were considered to be the most consciously evolved beings to have existed here. They lived in a state of peace and harmony with the natural world for thousands of years. Earth was (and still is) a utopia of love and abundance, and a mixing pot for extraterrestrial beings to explore, enjoy and mine resources for their advancing technology. It was the Pleiadians that seeded the Lemurians here. The Lemurian people held mastery in working with the elements, plants, animals and most of all crystals. They were advanced in the technology of energy, frequency and light. Before going extinct, they encoded their wisdom into the minerals and crystals of the planet in the hopes that future generations of humans would someday evolve to a level of consciousness, where they could gain access to these codes.
That time is now!
In this activation course you will receive six energy transmissions. Each transmission is designed to attune you to the Lemurian way of being, clear energy distortion, heal and activate dormant aspects of your DNA.
Along with these energy transmissions you will receive integrative practices to help you to embody your true divine essence, align with your soul's purpose and create a life of peace, prosperity and joy.
Here's what you can expect:
Earth Star Attunement
The Earth Star is the energy center that exists 8-12" beneath your feet. In this ceremony you will receive an activation of the Lemurian codes that will support you in anchoring more deeply into the Earth's electromagnetic grid. Allowing you to, more easily, tap into the infinite love and abundance that flows from the core center of Mother Earth, as well as manifest your dreams into reality.
Benefits include:
Deepened connection with your physical body and the natural world
Increased ability to create and manifest your deepest desires
Greater sense of peace and satisfaction with day-to-day life
Core Star Attunement
The Core Star is the energy center that exists in the center of your belly. In this ceremony you will receive an activation of the Lemurian codes that will support you in realizing and aligning with your divine purpose and deep inner knowing. Allowing you to create from a space of passion and fulfillment.
Benefits include:
Deepened sense of purpose
Increased desire to be of service to others, the earth and humanity
Alignment with universal truth
Soul Star Attunement
The Soul Star is the energy center that exists 8-12" above your head. In this ceremony you will receive an activation of the Lemurian codes that will support you in the embodiment of your higher self.
Benefits include:
Expanded consciousness
Heightened spiritual awareness
Greater compassion for self and others
Alignment with your highest possible timeline
Pleiadian Star Mother Divine Genome Activation
The Pleiadian beings that seeded the Lemurians on Earth were highly evolved in their technology and worked with specific frequency codes to activate the divine genome of the Lemurian people. This is how they were able to live in harmony with the elements, plants and animals for thousands of years.
In this ceremony you will receive deep clearing and purification of energetic distortion in your DNA that has been passed down through generations, as well as an activation of your divine genome, which will allow you to embody your own unique Lemurian qualities.
Benefits include:
Heightened ability to communicate with plants, animals, crystals and more
Innate wisdom on how to work with the earth's resources to promote health and vitality
Activation of crystalline light body
More equipped to ward off negative energy
Stronger sense of your true divine essence
Stay tuned for more details...
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