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Personal Ceremonies

I offer one-on-one, personalized ceremonies where you may receive energy clearing, attunements and activations from the Sisterhood of the Rose, Ascended Masters, Elementals, Archangels and Extraterrestrial beings that support you on your path of healing and transformation.


Energy Transmissions​

An energy transmission is a guided journey that is not scripted in any way, instead provided in real time and intended to align you to your highest possible timeline.  I guide you through the transmission by offering what I see, sense, feel and hear intuitively.  What you receive may vary based on your personal intentions and which spirit guides have stepped forward to support you.


In an energy transmission you may receive:

  • Energy Clearing - Clears energetic distortion and helps you to releases trauma, heavy emotions and energetic blocks that prevent you from knowing your divine true nature.

  • Energy Attunement - Tunes your energy to the higher realms of consciousness so you may (more easily) receive guidance and support from your higher self and your spirit guides.

  • Energy Activation - Activates dormant aspects of your DNA, unlocking your innate ability to heal, create and manifest a life of peace, prosperity and joy.


All personal ceremonies are followed up with an offering of integrative practices to support you in bringing what you've received into your body and incorporating it into your physical reality.

Divine Rose Priestess Initiation

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The Sisterhood of the Rose are a collective of souls who share a mission to restore the balance of masculine and feminine energies on Earth.   For thousands of years humanity has been in an imbalance, where patriarchal principles have reigned supreme, oppressing the feminine qualities we all (women and men) possess. This is a path of reclaiming your divine feminine essence and restoring balance for yourself, your family and the world.

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Divine Rose Priestess Initiation
Allow the Sisterhood of the Rose to welcome you into their Sacred Rose Temple and provide you with an energetic clearing and attunement to the divine feminine frequencies that support you on your path of healing and empowerment.
Set clear intentions for your journey ahead and invite the Rose as a guiding light through your darkest night and beyond.

Rose Priestess Medicine Wheel

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The Rose Medicine Wheel represents our natural cycles of birth, life, death and rebirth.  In this series of ceremonies you will receive energy clearing and activations from 4 powerful aspects of the Rose.  Each ceremony is designed to initiate healing, optimize your energy body, and promote harmony and balance mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.  Deepening your relationship with your higher self and your own sacred temple, your body.

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The White Rose
Representing purity, innocence, the inner child and maiden.
Working with this frequency can help you to find clarity around your own personal truth.  Releasing distortion from your energy and clear away projections from others.  Allowing you to come into your pure radiance and embody your innocent nature.  Joy and wonder are imminent when working with the White Rose.

In this transmission you will receive:

  • Energy clearing of your upper chakras and universal source connection

  • Support in healing your inner child and childhood trauma

  • Activation of your divine innocence

  • Embodiment of  your inner maiden

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The Pink Rose
Representing unconditional love, compassion, your inner lover and mother.
Working with this frequency can help you to hold more forgiveness, compassion and acceptance, for yourself and others.  Releasing cultural and family conditioning based on guilt, shame or fear.  Allowing you to live in your authenticity and embody your pure loving nature.  Peace and fulfillment are imminent when working with the Pink Rose.

In this transmission you will receive:

  • Energy clearing and activation of your heart chakra and your connection to universal love

  • Deepened sense of forgiveness and compassion for yourself and others

  • Embodiment of  your inner lover/mother

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The Red Rose
Representing devotion, sacrifice, empowerment, your inner mystic and crone.
Working with this frequency can help you to move deeper into self acceptance and authentic expression.  Releasing shame around body image and experiencing pleasure in your body.  Allowing you to heal your womb space and connect with your own sacred  sexuality.  Sensual pleasure, creativity and empowerment are imminent when working with the Red Rose.

In this transmission you will receive:

  • Energy clearing of your lower chakras and earth source connection

  • Womb healing; support in healing from sexual, surgical and birth trauma

  • Activation of intuitive gifts and deepened sense of inner knowing

  • Embodiment of your authentic expression and inner mystic/crone

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The Black Rose
Representing the void, cosmic womb and Black Madonna.
Working with this frequency can help you to move through an energetic death and rebirth process.  Releasing the aspects of your identity that are not in alignment with your authentic and true self.  Allowing you to heal the parts of you that have been held in darkness or separate from the whole.  Surrender, radical acceptance and renewal are imminent when working with the Black Rose.

In this transmission you will receive:

  • An energetic rebirth and initiation into self mastery

  • Support in moving out of victimhood and into empowerment

  • Reclamation of innate divine wisdom and personal sovereignty

  • Integration of your conscious self, higher self and shadow self

Starseed Activation

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Starseeds are human beings who have experienced incarnations in other star systems and/or on other planets and have come to earth at this transformative time to be of service and support others in healing and ascension.  A starseed activation supports you in attuning to the cosmic frequencies of your star family, restores soul memories and expands you into higher levels of consciousness.  Activation of your starseed DNA can allow you to anchor in more cosmic codes of light, clarity and wisdom, for your highest good and for the good of all.


Star Family Attunement
We welcome your extraterrestrial star family to join us in a sacred ceremony, where they provide you with energetic clearing and attunement with your soul's star origins, as well as any information or guidance you seek in order to fulfill your divine purpose on earth.

In this transmission you will receive:

  • Purification of your genetic line, releasing trauma that has been passed down through your human ancestry

  • Clearing of energy distortion and projections from those who seek to keep humanity in a state of fear 

  • Restored connection with your star family and sense of belonging

  • Expanded awareness of your boundless potential to heal, manifest and create a more sustainable future for yourself, your family and the collective

Angelic Light Code Activation

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Angels have long been a part of human history and are known for being our guardians, teachers, healers and miracle workers.  They hold the wisdom of the universe and have devoted themselves in services to the creator, earth and humanity.  We may call upon them for guidance and support on our path of healing and ascension.  Angels are available to us now more than ever to support us in this next golden age of miracles.

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Angelic Light Code Activation
In this ceremony the Archangels invite you through the celestial gateway and into their healing light chamber where you will receive deep energy clearing and an attunement of angelic codes of  light.  Allow them to shower you with blessings and gratitude for signing up to be of service to earth and humanity at this time of great awakening.

In this transmission you will receive:

  • Purification of the channel of energy that flows from source, through the center of your body and anchors you into the earth's crystalline grid

  • Activation of your crown,heart and root chakras so you may expand into divine oneness, unconditional love and integrate it into your physical body

  • An invitation to receive ongoing guidance, support and protection from your angelic team

Elemental Earth Code Activation

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The Elemental Spirits of the earth are the stewards of the natural world.  They heal, protect and maintain the balance of  the earth's elements and ecosystems.  They hold mastery in working with plants, fungi, minerals, animals, insects and more.  As Mother Earth moves through an energetic upgrade it impacts everything that exists within, on and around her.  The Elemental Spirits offer their support in helping you to attune to the healing frequencies of nature, so that you may navigate this transformation with confidence, grace and ease.

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Elemental Earth Code Activation
In this ceremony the Elementals and Faery folk invite you into their sacred stone circle where you may receive an energetic clearing, healing and activation of the earthly elements that exist within you.
In this transmission you will receive:

  • Clearing and dissolution of the energetic filters and unconscious belief structures that prevent you from sensing and working with the elemental realms

  • Healing and activation of the elements within your body (earth, air, fire, water and ether)

  • Earth energy codes and an invitation to receive ongoing guidance and support from your elemental guides to help you to acquire any of the following skills:​

    • Growing and/or foraging for  foods, flowers and medicinal plants

    • Working with plant medicines for healing and optimizing health and vitality

    • Working therapeutically with minerals, gemstones and crystals

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